Category Archives: Teaching

Winter-themed piano resources

Winter is officially here in Ottawa! Snow, icy roads and happy kids amusing themselves in [...]

Interactive online piano games

Online teaching has never been my favourite type of teaching, but that’s what I could [...]

The Color Collection Series by Rebekah Maxner

When you teach piano day after day, year after year, you feel like you already [...]

Note and Rest Review with Rhythm Pumpkin Patch

I still want to see Autumn colours behind my windows and go for long walks, [...]

Spooktacular Piano Printables for your Halloween week

Can you believe that we are reaching the end of October?!! The wind is tearing [...]

Note Value with Halloween Spooky Math

Whether or not your students are going trick-or-treating this year; you can make your Halloween [...]

Halloween Keyboard Geography Worksheet

The piano lessons are in a full swing and we are jumping right into October! [...]

Strengthen Piano Fingers with Robot Fingers Tapping Cards

The finger independence and the use of finger numbers are two crucial elements of early [...]

Koala Ledger Notes Play the Piano

Three ways to use notes game to assist with bass ledger notes reinforcement One of [...]

Step and skip recognition to strengthen the note-reading skills

Note reading. We all could agree that reading music is an important skill for any [...]

Note-to-key recognition activity

The lessons are in full swing and you want to be ready for any unexpected [...]

Keyboard Geography with Keys on Top Game

Keyboard geography is one of the first concepts the beginner piano student is introduced to. [...]

Listening activity cards for your youngest piano students

Yesterday was the first in many months of quarantine in-person lessons in the studio and [...]

Accidentals on the keys concept reviewing with unicorn printable

Accidentals shouldn’t be difficult. And today’s unicorn-themed printable was created to prove that. It will [...]


3-step Major Scale Building Strategy

When the students are familiar with the whole and half steps it is time to [...]

Music Terms and Signs 5 Minute Review

When I was a piano teacher fresh from college I had trouble understanding how to [...]

C-Intervals Worksheet for Summer Piano Lessons

Intervals anyone? Actually, I love teaching intervals. It is my favourite concept. I do some [...]

Unicorn Ledger Notes Game for Your Beginner Piano Student

Do you have a student who is a good note reader but when it comes [...]

Beginner Piano Sharp Note Reading Worksheet

How many of you had a student who is scared of sharps and sharp note [...]

Top 4 Beginner Piano Lesson Activities for Online Teaching

Welcome to the Piano Heroes blog. Today we are entering the realm of online piano [...]

Integrating Piano Improvisation into Beginner Lesson

Improvisation is a key to sparking creativity and maintaining interest in the process of studying [...]

Valentine Piano Games and Worksheets

Christmas is a distant memory, and it is time to colour your studio in different [...]

Bring Fun to the Studio with Unicorn’s Interval Worksheets

Themed worksheets are the best way to add some excitement to your everyday studio practice. [...]


Progressive Strategies to Practice Piano Scales

Playing scales is the most common way to develop finger dexterity, hands independents and coordination. [...]