Tag Archives: line notes

No Prep Valentine’s Theory Worksheets

Do you follow the holiday calendar in your studio? Then you may like a quick [...]

Middle C Pink Unicorn Printable

One of my current projects is to create different worksheets which could help me to [...]

Over the Rainbow Ledger Line Note Worksheet

The concept of ledger line notes is quite challenging for any level. It takes time to master [...]

Space and Line Notes DINO Worksheets

Parents are always surprised when their children start learning notes on the staff in two-three [...]

Halloween Theory Printables for the Piano Studio

With Halloween just around the corner, all piano studios are getting ready for the spooky [...]

A Magical Way to Reinforce Note Learning

The success of learning piano depends on a few factors. One of them is very [...]

Music Staff Paper

Being a teacher for a long time, I noticed an urgent need for a music [...]