Tag Archives: free printables

Enjoy this piano pedagogy library of free printables and articles that would make your piano teaching enjoyable for you and your student.

Piano Superhero Compliment Badges

Every pianist likes attention. Especially those who cannot reach the bench 😃. But for beginners [...]

Major and Minor Key Signature Worksheets

My eleven-year-old student arrived at his lesson sad and unmotivated. Long day at school, having [...]

Hassle-Free Preparation One-page Piano Games

All the holidays and school breaks are behind. February is a busy time for any [...]


A Guide to Easter Piano Studio Resources

Another year flew by, and we are quickly approaching Easter. For this year, I have [...]

Sparkle Piano Learning with Valentine’s Piano Games

This week I was working on making special deliveries for my students. It happens that [...]

One-page Unicorn Chords Games Free Printable

Looks like yesterday we celebrated Christmas and here we are at the end of January. [...]


Unicorn Perfect Intervals Introduction to Piano Beginners

Unicorns are quite a popular theme for piano studio teaching resources. I have a few [...]

Interactive online piano games

Online teaching has never been my favourite type of teaching, but that’s what I could [...]

Spooktacular Piano Printables for your Halloween week

Can you believe that we are reaching the end of October?!! The wind is tearing [...]

Strengthen Piano Fingers with Robot Fingers Tapping Cards

The finger independence and the use of finger numbers are two crucial elements of early [...]

Koala Ledger Notes Play the Piano

Three ways to use notes game to assist with bass ledger notes reinforcement One of [...]

Step and skip recognition to strengthen the note-reading skills

Note reading. We all could agree that reading music is an important skill for any [...]

Note-to-key recognition activity

The lessons are in full swing and you want to be ready for any unexpected [...]

Keyboard Geography with Keys on Top Game

Keyboard geography is one of the first concepts the beginner piano student is introduced to. [...]

Beginner Piano Sharp Note Reading Worksheet

How many of you had a student who is scared of sharps and sharp note [...]

No Prep Valentine’s Theory Worksheets

Do you follow the holiday calendar in your studio? Then you may like a quick [...]

Black Keys! Why start the piano journey with learning it?

The easiest and most logical way to introduce a new student to the piano is [...]

Halloween Theory Printables for the Piano Studio

With Halloween just around the corner, all piano studios are getting ready for the spooky [...]

Music Staff Paper

Being a teacher for a long time, I noticed an urgent need for a music [...]