Another year flew by, and we are quickly approaching Easter. For this year, I have created a list of my Easter Piano Studio Resources to help me decrease the workload and let my students have a little fun. The list includes printable games, cards and worksheets, assignment pages and even one web game.
Easter Piano Games
The younger piano students will benefit from the finger reinforcement game Easter Finger Hunt. The Landmark Egg Hunt game is a great way to review such crucial and often troublesome concepts. Moreover, the Accidental Hunt and Easter Rhythm Bunnies will be a good fit for late elementary students to help them review notes to key comprehension and quick count in simple time signatures.
Easter Piano Worksheets
Brand-new Easter worksheets, Easter Key Signature Hunt and Easter Tonic and Dominant Chord Search correspond with RCM Level 5 theory. These games will provide you with an opportunity to assess students’ levels of comfort with those concepts quickly. On the other hand, the Easter Beat Call worksheet is created for younger students who need some help in reviewing beats and counts. The worksheet is suited for RCM Level 2 piano students.
Easter Piano Cards
Count, Clip, Hop cards are destined to let young piano beginners work on simple rhythm and note value. Also, using clips or any kind of markers will favour kinesthetic learners.
Easter Piano Bonus
In addition, the Landmark Egg Hunt is an Easter-themed web game. This game is a replica of our printable Landmark Egg Hunt. You can send it home for weekly practice. The game is available to our subscribers only.