Tag Archives: business
Free Scheduler Or How can Google Calendar Help your Piano Studio?
Hello and welcome to our blog exploring the questions piano teachers and owners of home-based [...]
Google Me! Or How Can a Piano Studio Be Found?
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
What Are the Piano Studio Policies for?
When you start piano studio it is intimidating to get to the teaching part as [...]
To Build or Not to Build? Or Where to Host Your Piano Studio Website
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
Once Upon a Time… Or Why the Story is Important for Your Piano Studio Website
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
Can you make an omelette? Or How to Scramble a Piano Studio Website from Scratch
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
What is Your Piano Studio’s Email Address? Or Email Us @ Our Domain Name
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
Is It My Cow or Your’s? Or Why Do You Want a Domain Name for Your Piano Studio?
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
John, Is It You? Or How Do You Name Your Piano Studio?
Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]
Four the Best Piano Studio Office Helpers
Have you ever wished to have elves in your studio to help with all that [...]