Tag Archives: piano studio

Series of articles on how to start your very first piano studio and teach piano successfully from the comfort of your own home.

Piano Superhero Compliment Badges

Every pianist likes attention. Especially those who cannot reach the bench 😃. But for beginners [...]

How to Keep Your Passwords Safe with LastPass

Hello and welcome to our series of technology-related blog posts. Our today’s post is unusual [...]

To Build or Not to Build? Or Where to Host Your Piano Studio Website

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]

Once Upon a Time… Or Why the Story is Important for Your Piano Studio Website

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]


Can you make an omelette? Or How to Scramble a Piano Studio Website from Scratch

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]

What is Your Piano Studio’s Email Address? Or Email Us @ Our Domain Name

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]

Is It My Cow or Your’s? Or Why Do You Want a Domain Name for Your Piano Studio?

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]

John, Is It You? Or How Do You Name Your Piano Studio?

Hello and welcome to our series of blog posts on how to start a piano [...]

No Candy! No Stickers! How to Establish a Proper Piano practice Routine

What is practicing? Studying and practicing are often looked at as memorization and drilling, which [...]

Four the Best Piano Studio Office Helpers

Have you ever wished to have elves in your studio to help with all that [...]

Musical Imagination

There is no doubt about the importance of imagination in forming a creative personality. We [...]


The ability to play instruments and piano improves brain ability, helps promote creativity, brings enjoyment, [...]