All the holidays and school breaks are behind. February is a busy time for any piano studio. Pieces have been chosen. Goals have been set. The only thing left is work. How do you keep the lesson fun and engaging, while concentrating on following the curriculum? I have found that one-page piano games are an easy way for me to entertain the students while learning becomes routine.
Hassle-free Preparation
To use lesson time effectively, I created a bunch of one-page piano games, that cover many everyday musical concepts. To set up a game you have to print a page and keep 2 pencils and dice ready. All those can be done once a month. Then when the time comes, just pull out a page and you are ready to play. Like this cute One-page Gnome’s Steps and Skips.
Concept Siblings One-page Games
To practice, look-alike contracts use one-concept sibling games. For example, winter-themed Fox Sharps and Penguin Flats are designed to practice recognition of sharp and flat notes in treble and bass clef. Furthermore, One-page Unicorn Chord Flats and Unicorn Chords Sharps provide the opportunity to work on chords recognition in key signatures up to 4 sharps and flats.
Thank you so much for all the great resources! I use them frequently for my own students. I love that I can download and email them to students that I am teaching virtually at this time!
Thank you, Jonna A. Mazza! ❤️
Where can I find the penguin flats game?
Phyllis, the link is below