I still want to see Autumn colours behind my windows and go for long walks, but this morning I woke up to the snow. Obviously, it is timid and quickly melting, but snow. Let me share with you this year’s last Autumn-themed game Rhythm Pumpkin Patch which I made for one very special and cheerful 5 y.o. miss. She is in Montessori school and always needs something interactive.
Rhythm Pumpkin Patch Setup
You can use this game to review or practice notes and rest value with your younger students. The game is easy to set up. Download, print. Additionally find dice (I use two, one for each player) and two movers.
Rhythm Pumpkin Patch Play
The players take turns rolling the dice, move the marker to the matching pumpkin, and count the value of the notes and rests. When answered correctly the student crosses out the matching number from their number line, and if not remains on the same pumpkin and does not cross anything out. The first player to cross out all the numbers from their note line wins the game.