Accidentals on the keys concept reviewing with unicorn printable


Accidentals shouldn’t be difficult. And today’s unicorn-themed printable was created to prove that. It will help to unravel the secrets of naming the black keys. Whether you are introducing the students to sharps, only flats or both accidentals, this worksheet will make the learning fun.


Accidentals success

There are a few simple rules to make comprehension of the accidentals easy and efficient.

  1. Introduce only one accidental at a time.
  2. Demonstrate accidentals on the keyboard before studying music notation examples.
  3. Choose music with accidentals to reinforce the concept.

How to use the worksheet

Sharps only

Ask your student to write down the name of the keys with sharps.

Flats only

Ask the student to write down the name of the following keys with flats.

Pitch equivalent

Explain to the student that each key can have two names. Propose the student to give each key two names, using sharps and flats.

More Piano Teaching Resources

More on This Topic

Here is an explanation video by Anne Crosby Gaudet about sharps, flats, double sharps, and double flats.

2 thoughts on “Accidentals on the keys concept reviewing with unicorn printable

  1. Lucy Rodrigues says:

    I love this musics activities !!
    Thanks for sharing !! ❤️

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