How to make your piano lessons exciting and fun? I do think it is very important not to force learning upon the student but rather engage and amaze. It is hard to do when you try to compress many important concepts and activity types into 30 minutes lessons. A Guide to Exiting Piano Lessons is going to be a monthly rubric in which I will try to tell what is new and useful I have been creating and using in my studio.
Fall Piano Lessons
October is Fall and Halloween-themed time of the year. Everyone has returned from summer and the lesson routine has been established. Besides the piano, I try to incorporate not just sight reading, but also at least one game to review/reinforce theory concepts in each piano lesson. Obviously, games and hands-on activities are the best way to do so.
Among the new activities, I have created for my older students, you might be interested to look at Autumn Minor Chords Race. This activity can be used as a single worksheet or as a racing game for a group of students.
Halloween Gnomes Anyone?
For the younger students, Halloween Gnomes Maj 2nd and Min 2nd can be one to choose from. It is a simple racing game for two, aiming to reinforce maj and min 2nd recognition in a treble clef. It is also available as a web game for Piano Heroes subscribers.